Well.! I'm not talking about our own economy or the global economy and the recession factor. This is about the country miles away from all economic clusters, a country that has lost its way out o the political turmoil, a country where more than half the population dont have access to proper food, sanitation and health care is in the worst possible state. Yeah.! I'm talking about another African country - Zimbabwe. This is the country that houses the 'Victoria falls' and an amazing wildlife. It was once called the 'Breadbasket of Africa' but there are no more breads in the basket. Just take a look at these figures:
In 1983, USD $1= ZWD $1
In 2000, USD $1= ZWD $1000
In 2003, USD $1= ZWD $100,000
In 2006, USD $1= ZWD $500,000
In 2008, USD $1= ZWD $18,700,000,000
If you all remember, a few months ago in India the inflation figures rose to about 11.42% and there was panic seen clearly in our stock markets. Well.! U got to look at this - The inflation in Zimbabwe as of today(22 May,2009) is about 231 million percent. Today only about 6% of the population is employed and 8 out of 10 people in the country dont get one proper meal a day. You have people moving with million and billion dollar notes in their pockets but cant spend it coz it has absolutely no value. Inspite of all these problems there is very little aid available to this country from the major countries and also from the United Nations. Its an emergency situation for which the solution is simple but needs the involvement of the global community.
I won't go into the history but I'll brief you a bit about the history as it is important how the problem started.
Robert Mugabe, who helped end the white rule in Zimbabwe has been the President since 1980 and from then its been a one man's country. Mugabe's reputation has plummeted from an African liberation hero to a despot, who has ruined his once-prosperous country. The elections in the country is no more free and fair. Voting for the opposition could cost your life. The Police are themselves involved in looting the banks and markets. One of my cousin who recently went there was telling me how difficult it is to even walk on the streets. People come and rob you of any and every stuff you have. But you cant blame them either. When the govt. isn't providing any employment oppurtunities this is the only way to earn. The African Nations isn't doing anything coz most of the leaders consider him as a freedom fighter. A refugee crisis has stuck the neighbouring countries, China is donating weapons to Robert Mugabe and the United Nations is doing very little to solve this problem. Robert Mugabe is still the President. I think its peak time all the responsible countries of the world come together and bring down the political structure of this country and save the direct descendants of Adam n Eve, more importantly value the human lives.
"Welcome to Zimbabwe"
Its sad that their cricket team is also dissolved..